7 Typing Tips and Tricks to Help You Type Faster and More Accurately

Typing on a computer can be frustrating, especially if you’re not fast enough or accurate.

There are many ways to improve the way you type and make your daily computer interactions more efficient, however, and we’ve gathered some of the best tips and tricks to help you type faster and more accurately in this article about 7 Typing Tips and Tricks to Help You Type Faster and More Accurately.

Read on to learn how to improve your computer typing skills!

7 Typing Tips & Tricks
7 Typing Tips and Tricks

1. Learn the Basics of Touch Typing

Whether you’re a secretary or a software engineer, touch typing is important in every field.

It’s not as simple as it sounds; however, there are many different keys on your keyboard, and memorizing their locations can be difficult.

The most helpful way to improve your touch typing skills is by learning them through practice.

As you type, try focusing on your hands instead of looking at your fingers; by doing so, you may notice that they form certain positions while they rest on each key.

Once you get comfortable with these positions, you can begin practicing typing without looking at your hands.

It is called touch typing, and it’s an essential skill for anyone who wants to become more efficient when using a computer.

2. Position Your Hands Comfortably on the Keyboard

One of the biggest keys to typing faster and more accurately is positioning your hands correctly on your keyboard.

If you have them too close together, you’ll hit adjacent keys instead of focusing on what finger presses which letter. Too far apart, you’ll hit too many extraneous keys, slowing down your typing speed.

The most comfortable distance is 1-2 inches between your right hand’s pointer finger (or home row) and left hand’s thumb.

It will help prevent unnecessary keystrokes, allowing you to type with greater accuracy.

Additionally, make sure that your wrists are straight; keeping them bent can lead to RSI or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if you spend a lot of time at a computer.

3. Use Proper Finger Placement

There are several common typing mistakes that even experienced typists make from time to time.

One of these is pinky-stretch, which occurs when you press a key near your little finger with your ring finger or vice versa.

If you’re experiencing some pain or discomfort in your hands, it could result from pinky-stretch, so consider adjusting your hand placement or switching up how you type. It will help prevent injuries that can stem from incorrect posture while typing. 

Additionally, keeping your wrists straight will allow for proper circulation throughout your body instead of bending them.

The average person makes 20,000 keyboard strokes per day; keeping proper wrist alignment ensures that you won’t develop severe conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome over time.

4. Keep your Fingers Relaxed, Relaxed, Relaxed!

It is of vital importance that you keep your fingers relaxed while typing. Think about what it feels like when you press down on a complicated key—nothing but tension.

The best way to combat a tense grip on your keyboard is to make sure that your desk surface is at or below shoulder height so that you can type with your arms slightly bent at their elbows. It will take some pressure off your hands and give you better control over each stroke.

It’s also worth investing in a wrist rest for your mouse or trackpad; they’re not expensive, help prevent repetitive stress injuries, and don’t take up much space.

If you have one already, try moving it around until you find a spot where you feel comfortable.

5. Review Your Mistakes and Mistakes

When you misspell or use incorrect grammar, what happens? Did you forget how to spell something? Did you type too quickly? Was there a distraction in another window? These issues can be addressed by simply learning from your errors and practicing more!

If you make an error, don’t be afraid to go back and fix it. Your keyboard may even have a shortcut (CTRL+Z on PCs).

Once you’ve made your edits, move on. Remember that everyone makes mistakes; perfect writing is unattainable.

The person who keeps going after making an error is more likely to succeed than someone who stops in frustration because of one tiny mistake.

In addition to editing mistakes, learn from them as well. Take time out every day to review your previous work and think about how you could improve next time around.

6. Practice with Games or Simulations

Everyone knows how much practice helps us achieve mastery in any particular skill or sport.

As it turns out, computer games can help you become a faster and more accurate typist without wasting time with boring or too slow-paced exercises.

Many of these apps allow you to improve your current speed by using built-in tools to track your progress or challenge yourself with real-time typing tests with various difficulty levels.

These games usually come free of charge, so why not try?

  • Touch Typing Tutor –

Touch typing tutor is a game where you type words at varying speeds as they appear on the screen. The longer you last before making mistakes, the higher your score will be!

This app offers many useful features such as visual and audio feedback to help improve your accuracy, valuable statistics such as several keystrokes per minute, and even adjustable fonts!

The graphics are attractive enough to make practicing fun. This app is available for both iOS (for iPhone) and Android devices.

7. Set Realistic Goals

It can be tempting to set wildly ambitious goals when you’re first learning how to type: I will learn how to type faster than anyone I know! Well, that’s a great goal.

The problem is you probably won’t achieve it—and may get discouraged along the way. Instead of setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, start with small steps.

For example, try to increase your typing speed by 5 words per minute each week or try to reach a certain accuracy level (90%+). Once you’ve mastered those tasks, move on to something else.

And if there are certain aspects of typing (like touch-typing) are particularly difficult for you, focus on improving those areas first before tackling other challenges.

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